Mustafa Topal4 Eyl 20231 dakikada okunurF/080923 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokWarm Ups15 Sec Superman Hold5 Push-up to Down Dog10 Alternating Walking Lunges5 Ring Row or Jumping Pull-ups10 Squats3 RoundConditioning3 Rounds For Time in a 12′ Time Cap60 Double Unders30 Box Step Ups with Weight15 Pull Ups
Warm Ups15 Sec Superman Hold5 Push-up to Down Dog10 Alternating Walking Lunges5 Ring Row or Jumping Pull-ups10 Squats3 RoundConditioning3 Rounds For Time in a 12′ Time Cap60 Double Unders30 Box Step Ups with Weight15 Pull Ups