Mustafa Topal21 Tem 20241 dakikada okunurF/260724 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokWarm Up10 Lunge30 Russian Twist10 Squat to Stand30 Sec Pigeon Stretch3 RoundBack Squat On the 2:00 x 6 Sets: 3 Back Squats ConditioningFor Time:52 Burpee52 Wallballs 52 Kettlebell Swings 52 Box Jumps 52 Row
Warm Up10 Lunge30 Russian Twist10 Squat to Stand30 Sec Pigeon Stretch3 RoundBack Squat On the 2:00 x 6 Sets: 3 Back Squats ConditioningFor Time:52 Burpee52 Wallballs 52 Kettlebell Swings 52 Box Jumps 52 Row