Mustafa Topal10 Haz 20241 dakikada okunurM/100624 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokWarm Up20 Sumo Squat30 Jumping Jack30 Mountain Climber20 Shoulder Discolates3 RoundConditioning100 K.B. Swings80 Toes To Bar60 Burpee40 Pull Ups20 S.D.H.P. 40 Pull Ups60 Burpee80 Toes to Bar100 K.B. Swings
Warm Up20 Sumo Squat30 Jumping Jack30 Mountain Climber20 Shoulder Discolates3 RoundConditioning100 K.B. Swings80 Toes To Bar60 Burpee40 Pull Ups20 S.D.H.P. 40 Pull Ups60 Burpee80 Toes to Bar100 K.B. Swings