Mustafa Topal12 Ara 20221 dakikada okunurMonday-12.12.2022 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokWarm UpAMRAP 7'5 Push Ups10 Sit Ups15 SquatEMOM 16'odd min: 5 Strict Pull Upseven min:7 Dumbell Snatch+7 Toes to BarConditioining25 Dumbell Swings 25 Burpee3 Rounds
Warm UpAMRAP 7'5 Push Ups10 Sit Ups15 SquatEMOM 16'odd min: 5 Strict Pull Upseven min:7 Dumbell Snatch+7 Toes to BarConditioining25 Dumbell Swings 25 Burpee3 Rounds