Mustafa Topal23 Ara 20241 dakikada okunurW/251224 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokStrengthOn the 1:30 x 83 Front Squat Same Weight (%90-95 1 RM)ConditioningFor Time: 27-21-15-9-6 Burpees over Bar15-12-9-6-3 Hang Squat Cleans 9-6-3-2-1 H.S.P.U
StrengthOn the 1:30 x 83 Front Squat Same Weight (%90-95 1 RM)ConditioningFor Time: 27-21-15-9-6 Burpees over Bar15-12-9-6-3 Hang Squat Cleans 9-6-3-2-1 H.S.P.U