Mustafa Topal26 Nis 20231 dakikada okunurW/260423 Workout5 üzerinden 0 yıldızHenüz hiç puanlama yokWarm Up5 Push Ups30 Sec Rope10 Squat 3 RoundSpesific Warm Up5 Barbell Clean&Jerk5 Front Squat5 Good Morning5 Knee to ElbowsConditioning400 Meter RunFront SquatToes to BarSit Ups21-15-9
Warm Up5 Push Ups30 Sec Rope10 Squat 3 RoundSpesific Warm Up5 Barbell Clean&Jerk5 Front Squat5 Good Morning5 Knee to ElbowsConditioning400 Meter RunFront SquatToes to BarSit Ups21-15-9